Compassionate Communication Meeting

The group focused on Chapter 1 with suggested readings and exercises from the workbook, encouraged to read the workbook in advance of the gathering, up to and including Chapter 1. (pp xi-64).
Although a structure for the meeting was prepared and provided in advance, it was iterated that if any one needed empathy from the group surrounding their story, we would be willing to do that. The participants appreciated, however, the outline for the meeting, expressing that the structure met their need for just that: structure. It helped them to stay on track and learn NVC.

The meeting began with a few moments of silence, followed by each one introducing themselves by name and then doing a brief (5 min per person) check in: body mind soul/spirit. Pete reminded us that confidentiality was an important element to any NVC meeting.

We read the ‘gray boxes’ from Chapter one as well as the summary, highlighting the main points from the chapter. At about the half way point, we broke, going outside to breathe fresh air for about 5 minutes. This was enjoyed by all. We continued the second half of the 2 hour meeting by each one telling their story of ‘giving from the heart’, the suggested exercise for chapter one. While we shared our stories of ‘giving from the heart’ we followed the suggestion in the workbook that this be a listening session. We listened deeply to each story, without adding any comments or dialogue and took a moment of silence before the next person, in their turn in circle, told their story We did not focus too much on ONFR (the ‘technique’ of NVC) and agreed to go over that at the next meeting.

We ended by checking in-out once again, body mind and spirit. Jenn volunteered to prepare the next meeting. This group is meeting every other Monday from 6-8 in the home of a volunteer.